
Membership within ACPA: College Student Educators International can look a few different ways.

ACPA State & Regional Chapters and International Divisions provide Professional Development to ACPA Members within a specific geographical location who most likely share common interests, educational needs, and struggles. Similar to other ACPA Entities, they provide career networking opportunities, access to research & Scholarship initiatives, and leadership opportunities to help you get more involved in ACPA at the local level.

An individual can also choose to be a part of the national ACPA organization. If an individual is part of ACPA and in the state of Minnesota, they are automatically part of the Minnesota chapter. There is a difference between chapter only membership and national ACPA membership. Chapter-only membership gives the opportunity for someone to be a part of the State & Regional chapter and attend events at the member rate, but they are not eligible for member rates at national ACPA seminars and events.

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