Committees & Commissions

Providing opportunities for professional growth and involvement is essential to our functionality. Members are welcomed to join committees or commissions led by the Board of Directors. Joining a committee or commission allows for professionals in higher education to have a macro level impact across the state.


Conference Committee

Conference Committee has the responsibility of organizing and coordinating the annual conference. This committee is led by a Chair appointed by the Board of Directors. The committee has full scope over the planning including a budget. From keynote speaker to decor, this committee handles it all. This is a great opportunity for those desiring macro level planning, coordinating and supervising experience.

Conference Committee Application2025 Spring Conference




Professionals of Color Commission

We recognize the inequities that exists in higher education. The inequities do not stop at our students. The inequities are within the professional ranks as well. For that reason, we convene the Professionals of Color Commission led by a Chair appointed by the Board of Directors. The commission is responsible for the advancement of professionals of color. Their work involves providing education, professional development, safe space, and leadership opportunities to those interested in advancing their skills, knowledge and attitudes centered on BIPOC professionals in higher education.

Professionals of Color CommissionApplication

LGBTQIA+ Commission

Historically and in current times, the 2SLGBTQIA+ members of the workforce within higher education have been targeted with hatred in and out of the classroom. The critical need for education, support networks, safe space, and macro advocacy is essential. The commission does just that. Through expert leadership, the commission advancing the inherent worth of our colleagues who identify as part of the queer population and those who rally around them as advocates.

LGBTQIA+ CommissionApplication

New Professional Commission

We have all been the new professional before. It is hard, scary and sometime uncertain. This stage of the higher education professional’s career can make or break them. We aim to make them through the New Professional Commission. The commission focuses on building networks, promoting foundational competency, and assisting new professionals with meeting their long term goals. This commission is essential for the vitality of higher education in Minnesota.

New Professionals CommissionApplication


For more information on how to join a committee or commission, emailĀ [email protected].